June 25, 2009


okay.this is how the story started.ha ha."jgn jadi bodoh".ha ha.thanks izza for the word.

i just get my ADELE supporter t-shirt. its just the same as last year. so,i just bought them to support my sister,14,izlia.she entered the cheer comp.they are struggling.its about i week more. i can't wait to see her dancing on the stage.I'm also struggling to make banners for her.

so,be prepared.
yesterday i stay back for KRS but unfortunately i'm staying back to watch XAVIER practise.
they are good.they work hard and dance with a spirit.
actually XAVIER seniors, ADELE juniors.
so my school, CONVENT BUKIT NANAS got two team.

i don't know what to say anymore.i have no idea.i just squeeze my brain in BM class just now.

huh.boring to blog if you don't have idea.

evening kisses,

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